Monday, December 22, 2008
Benefits of Amla: Prevent Aging and Promote Longevity
Amla is one of the prestigious herbs that prevent aging and promote longevity. It has been found to be the most abundant source of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom containing as much as 20 times that of an orange. It is supposed to rejuvenate all the organ systems of the body, provide strength and wellness. It also helps us to keep away from all the diseases by boosting our immune system.
Amla is one of the widely used herbs in ayurvedic medicines. Charak and sushrut widely mention the use of amla for curative purposes. Amla due to sheet virya potency is widely used in diseases caused by pitta disorders. Well renowned ayurvedic preparations like chawanprash, triphala and amlaki rasayan possess dominance of Amla.
Pharmacological Properties of Amla
Amla is a proven antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, yeast inhibiting, nematicidal, anabolic, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hyperhidrosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-spasmodic, hypolipidemic, and hypotensive relieving properties. According to ayurvedic doctors, Amla has the ability to make our live more then 100 years like a youth.
Benefits of Amla
• Cure skin disorders: It is very useful in skin diseases as it has sheet virya in potency. It inhibits pitta and thus helps in getting relief from all the skin disorders caused by pitta dominance. Regular intake of Amla promotes glow on skin and delays wrinkles or loosening of skin.
• Control hair loss: Its internal use as well as its local application on scalp helps to control hair loss. It stimulates hair follicles thus promoting hair growth and also improves texture of the hair. It also prevents premature graying of hairs and dandruff.
• Improves eyesight: It is very useful in improving eyesight. It also counters diseases like reddening, itching and watering of eyes. It has also shown some good results in cataracts.
• Control sugar level: It is also very useful in controlling blood sugar level. Prepare a mixture of amla, jamun and bitter gourd powder (equal quantities). Take one teaspoonful of this mixture once or twice a day to make your diabetes under control.
Amla is one of the prestigious herbs that prevent aging and promote longevity. It has been found to be the most abundant source of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom containing as much as 20 times that of an orange. It is supposed to rejuvenate all the organ systems of the body, provide strength and wellness. It also helps us to keep away from all the diseases by boosting our immune system.
Amla is one of the widely used herbs in ayurvedic medicines. Charak and sushrut widely mention the use of amla for curative purposes. Amla due to sheet virya potency is widely used in diseases caused by pitta disorders. Well renowned ayurvedic preparations like chawanprash, triphala and amlaki rasayan possess dominance of Amla.
Pharmacological Properties of Amla
Amla is a proven antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, yeast inhibiting, nematicidal, anabolic, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hyperhidrosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-spasmodic, hypolipidemic, and hypotensive relieving properties. According to ayurvedic doctors, Amla has the ability to make our live more then 100 years like a youth.
Benefits of Amla
• Cure skin disorders: It is very useful in skin diseases as it has sheet virya in potency. It inhibits pitta and thus helps in getting relief from all the skin disorders caused by pitta dominance. Regular intake of Amla promotes glow on skin and delays wrinkles or loosening of skin.
• Control hair loss: Its internal use as well as its local application on scalp helps to control hair loss. It stimulates hair follicles thus promoting hair growth and also improves texture of the hair. It also prevents premature graying of hairs and dandruff.
• Improves eyesight: It is very useful in improving eyesight. It also counters diseases like reddening, itching and watering of eyes. It has also shown some good results in cataracts.
• Control sugar level: It is also very useful in controlling blood sugar level. Prepare a mixture of amla, jamun and bitter gourd powder (equal quantities). Take one teaspoonful of this mixture once or twice a day to make your diabetes under control.